St Chad's Church
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Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers  (PAFRAS)

PAFRAS, (Positive Action For Refugees and Asylum Seekers), is one of the projects which the PCC decided recently to support through the Charitable Allocations in 2010. In the letter of thanks for the donation they say, 'we are very , very grateful' for the support, no doubt on behalf of the vulnerable people who are helped through the project, people experiencing poverty, homelessness and malnutrition.

PAFRAS is a Leeds based voluntary organisation which provides emergency and short term humanitarian assistance. Primarily it works with asylum seekers who have been refused leave to stay, especially those experiencing destitution as a result of the process. In St Aidan's Church Hall, just off Roundhay Road, PAFRAS operates a bi-weekly drop-in service, where they provide such things as food parcels, hot meals, toiletries, food vouchers, baby accessories and clothing as well as advice, befriending and emotional support.

This 'drop-in' service has become a safe place to which people can come, whatever their gender, race, religion, nationality or background. There is and opportunity for people to share their experiences, find comfort and a sense of hope.

The need for donations is likely to continue and offerings of dry foods like tea, rice, pasta, sweets like chocolate bars, and drinks like long life milk or juices, along with toiletries and things to help with personal hygiene are all very welcome. There is a weekly collection for PAFRAS at church and you can bring any gifts and put them in the boxes provided.

There is more information at

Gill Griggs



Book Sale:
Saturday 9th March 2013, 10am - 12 noon
St Chad 's Parish Centre.

How you can help us help PAFRAS

We have put a box in the back of church to receive regular donations from church members, and a group of us will take them to PAFRAS.  Please, when you do your shopping, could you buy an extra tin or packet (not fresh food) to help someone who is hungry?  Any of these would help:

Tins : meat (not pork), tomatoes, tuna, sardines, vegetables, vegetable soup, fruit, baked beans.

Packets : rice, pasta , noodles, cereals (wheat, oat, rice), semolina, tea bags, sugar, biscuits, chocolate,

Also: long life milk, vegetable oil, fruit juice. 

Toiletries, bedding and good second-hand clothes are also much needed. 

Calling all children! Please could you save your empty small plastic water/drink bottles (& their lids) and bring them to church or Sunday Club? PAFRAS can use them when splitting a large bottle of shampoo etc. into individual-sized packs for distribution. Thank you!

Here are some web links for further information: (follow the link in 'News' to 'Bishop calls for asylum overhaul'. There is also a link to the ' Still Destitute ' report at the bottom of the item.) (follow links to the report. The report is 30 pages, or there is a summary of 2 pages.) (this website has regular newsletters)

Matthew  25: 35&36 may inspire us.  Can you make it a habit, part of your weekly shop, to get something for these destitute human beings?   If you can't get to church one week, donations can be left in the Parish Centre.

ANY donation you can make will help.  If you'd like to be a part of the team taking things to St Aidan's please contact one of us.

Gill Griggs and Jenny Willison