St Chad's Church
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Parish Centre


‘...another time'

Second Tuesday of the month in the Parish Centre at 7.30pm

Our experiences of God, meeting together and asking questions about faith, all change and develop with time. Following on from an Advent Course 2 years ago, members sought a chance for discussion and informal worship, that they hoped was easier for people to come to than a Home Group, where relationships had developed over the years people had met.

Out of this ‘...another time' was born, on the Second Tuesday of the month, in the Parish Centre, at 7.30 pm, with coffee, cake and biscuits. This is a chance to meet each other and God…
to chat, pray, sing, eat, question and we hope to enrich the lives of all those there.

This is not ‘house group' or ‘mid week service'; it could be ‘church', but not as we know it;
it is completely different. Come and see

Peter Hemming


Lent Course 2015

This year's course will be based on the Lord's Prayer, using a course, Pilgrim, produced by the Church of England.

Dates: Wednesday evenings during Lent, starting 25th Febrary.
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: St Michael's Parish Hall

Topics to be covered :

> How Jesus invites us into a new relationship with God as our Father through prayer.

> The idea of the kingdom of God, which is central to Jesus' teaching and being a Christian disciple

> How does God feed his people, and what does it mean to pray the words: ' Give us our daily bread' ?

> The central place of forgiveness in the Christian life: both receiving God's forgiveness and forgiving others.

> What are our strengths and weaknesses, and how do we ask God for help and protection?

> How praise and worhip begins and ends with Christian prayer and draws everything together.

Please see Tony Whatmough or Tom Lusty for more details